June 3, 2020

To Our Valued Members,

We hope that this message finds you all safe and healthy.

We are thrilled to be able to say to all of you “Welcome Home!” All our locations are now open!  

We have been working tirelessly over the past few weeks to prepare our centers for re-opening.  Our efforts have enabled us to open each center when we were authorized by state and local mandates. We have invested in a disinfection treatment for all centers well above industry standards, utilizing a top national cleaning company. The safety of our clients and employees is our utmost concern and these are the actions we are taking to ensure a clean and healthy environment upon your return:

  • Sanitizing surfaces frequently for maximum protection against contamination
  • Undertaking sound hygiene practices in the workplace, such as wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including masks, gloves, face shields and disposable capes
  • Requiring all Clients and Prospective Clients to wear masks
  • Maintaining an adequate distance between individuals by staggering appointment times and increasing the duration between appointments to minimize personal contact
  • Directing a flow of foot traffic for individuals to enter and exit different opened doors to minimize touching high contact areas such as door handles
  • Conducting temperature checks and health screening questionnaires for our Employees, Clients and Prospective Clients
  • Following a strict “no work” policy for employees who show symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in proximity to someone who has
  • Asking all clients to wait outside the center when they arrive, and either text or call the center to be called up when ready

We recognize that there will be pent-up demand for service as we return to our centers and are extending our hours of operations to accommodate those needs. We ask for your patience and understanding as our center staff endeavor to answer calls, book appointments, and assist with all client needs.

The past weeks have proven to be the most challenging in the 44 years we have been in business. Our industry was deeply impacted due to the nature of the service we provide. The innovations that we invested in enabled us to adapt our service model to support our clients throughout this difficult time by offering virtual technical consultations, a catalog of online tutorials, and a web store, just to name a few. Hair Club’s program membership was designed to provide continuity over the life cycle of the membership, including many behind the scenes intangibles that are not represented by service or product. We have been able to keep this going throughout this period and will be able to return to the centers at full speed. We remain committed to ensuring that you receive all the benefits you are entitled to with our Extension of Benefits Guarantee which you will have twelve months to use at your discretion.

We believe that we have done our very best to meet the challenges of this unprecedented time and continue to be grateful for your membership. We look forward to a continued partnership with you for many years to come.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Be Well,

Steven Barth



